gpi12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
GpiQueryDefArcParams (1.2)
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BOOL GpiQueryDefArcParams(hps, parcp)
HPS hps;             /* presentation-space handle               */
PARCPARAMS parcp;    /* pointer to structure for arc parameters */
The GpiQueryDefArcParams function retrieves the default arc parameters. The
default arc parameters define the values given to the arc parameters of a
presentation space whenever that presentation space is reset. (The arc
parameters define the shape and orientation of the ellipses drawn using the
arc functions.) A presentation space can be reset by using the GpiResetPS
Parameter  Description
hps        Identifies the presentation space.
parcp      Points to the ARCPARAMS structure that receives the arc
Return Value
The return value is GPI_OK if the function is successful or GPI_ERROR if an
error occurs.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
See Also
GpiQueryArcParams, GpiSetDefArcParams, WinGetLastError, ARCPARAMS