Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CTime
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  A CTime object represents an absolute time and date. The CTime class
  incorporates the ANSI time_t data type and its associated run-time
  functions, including the ability to convert to and from a Gregorian date
  and 24-hour time.
  CTime values are based on universal coordinated time (UCT), which is
  equivalent to Greenwich mean time (GMT). The local time zone is
  controlled by the TZ environment variable.
  See the <Run-Time Library Reference> for more information on the time_t
  data type and the run-time functions that are used by CTime.
  A companion class, CTimeSpan, represents a time interval──the
  difference between two CTime objects.
  #include <afx.h>
  See Also
  Run-time functions: asctime, _ftime, gmtime, localtime, strftime, time
  The CTime and CTimeSpan classes are not designed for derivation. Because
  there are no virtual functions, the size of CTime and CTimeSpan objects
  is exactly 4 bytes. Most member functions are inline.
  Public Members
  CTime            Constructs CTime objects in various ways.
  GetCurrentTime   Creates a CTime object that represents the current
                     time (static member function).
  GetTime        Returns a time_t that corresponds to this CTime
  GetYear        Returns the year that this CTime object represents.
  GetMonth       Returns the month that this CTime object represents (1
                   through 12).
  GetDay         Returns the day that this CTime object represents (1
                   through 31).
  GetHour        Returns the hour that this CTime object represents (0
                   through 23).
  GetMinute      Returns the minute that this CTime object represents (0
                   through 59).
  GetSecond      Returns the second that this CTime object represents (0
                   through 59).
  GetDayOfWeek   Returns the day of the week (1 for Sunday, 2 for
                   Monday, and so forth).
  GetGmtTm     Breaks down a CTime object into components──based on
  GetLocalTm   Breaks down a CTime object into components──based on the
                 local time zone.
  Format       Converts a CTime object into a formatted string──based on
                 the local time zone.
  FormatGmt    Converts a CTime object into a formatted string──based on
  operator =               Assigns new time values.
  operators +, -           Add and subtract CTimeSpan and CTime
  operators +=, -=         Add and subtract a CTimeSpan object to and
                             from this CTime object.
  operators ==, < , etc.   Compare two absolute times.
  operator <<   Outputs a CTime object to CArchive or CDumpContext.
  operator >>   Inputs a CTime object from CArchive.