Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
class CTimeSpan
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  A CTimeSpan object represents a relative time span. The CTimeSpan class
  incorporates the ANSI time_t data type and its associated run-time
  functions. These functions convert seconds to various combinations of
  days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
  A CTimeSpan object keeps time in seconds. Because the CTimeSpan object
  is stored as a signed number in 4 bytes, the maximum allowed span is
  about +- 68 years.
  A companion class, CTime, represents an absolute time. A CTimeSpan is
  the difference between two CTimes.
  #include <afx.h>
  See Also
  Run-time functions: asctime, _ftime, gmtime, localtime, strftime, time
  The CTime and CTimeSpan classes are not designed for derivation. Because
  there are no virtual functions, the size of both CTime and CTimeSpan
  objects is exactly 4 bytes. Most member functions are inline.
  Public Members
  CTimeSpan   Constructs CTimeSpan objects in various ways.
  GetDays           Returns the number of complete days in this
  GetHours          Returns the number of hours in the current day (-23
                      through 23).
  GetTotalHours     Returns the total number of complete hours in this
  GetMinutes        Returns the number of minutes in the current hour
                      (-59 through 59).
  GetTotalMinutes   Returns the total number of complete minutes in this
  GetSeconds        Returns the number of seconds in the current minute
                      (-59 through 59).
  GetTotalSeconds   Returns the total number of complete seconds in this
  Format   Converts a CTimeSpan into a formatted string.
  operator =              Assigns new time-span values.
  operators +, -          Add and subtract CTimeSpan objects.
  operators +=, -=        Add and subtract a CTimeSpan object to and
                            from this CTimeSpan.
  operators ==, <, etc.   Compare two relative time values.
  operator <<   Outputs a CTimeSpan object to CArchive or CDumpContext.
  operator >>   Inputs a CTimeSpan object from CArchive.