Microsoft Foundation Classes (mfc.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation Classes──────────────────────────────────────────────
  BOOL GrayString( CBrush* pBrush,
                   BOOL ( FAR PASCAL EXPORT* lpfnOutput )( HDC, DWORD,
                   int ), DWORD lpData, int nCount, int x, int y,
                   int nWidth, int nHeight );
  Parameter    Description
  <pBrush>     Identifies the brush to be used for dimming (graying).
  <lpfnOutput> Specifies the procedure-instance address of the
               application-supplied callback function that will draw the
               string. For more information, see the description of the
               Windows OutputProc callback function below.
               If this parameter is NULL, the system uses the Windows
               TextOut function to draw the string, and <lpData> is
               assumed to be a long pointer to the character string to be
  <lpData>     Specifies a far pointer to data to be passed to the output
               function. If <lpfnOutput> is NULL, <lpData> must be a long
               pointer to the string to be output.
  <nCount>     Specifies the number of characters to be output. If this
               parameter is 0, GrayString calculates the length of the
               string (assuming that <lpData> is a pointer to the string).
               If <nCount> is -1 and the function pointed to by
               <lpfnOutput> returns 0, the image is shown but not dimmed.
  <x>          Specifies the logical x-coordinate of the starting position
               of the rectangle that encloses the string.
  <y>          Specifies the logical y-coordinate of the starting position
               of the rectangle that encloses the string.
  <nWidth>     Specifies the width (in logical units) of the rectangle
               that encloses the string. If <nWidth> is 0, GrayString
               calculates the width of the area, assuming <lpData> is a
               pointer to the string.
  <nHeight>    Specifies the height (in logical units) of the rectangle
               that encloses the string. If <nHeight> is 0, GrayString
               calculates the height of the area, assuming <lpData> is a
               pointer to the string.
  Draws dimmed (gray) text at the given location by writing the text in a
  memory bitmap, dimming the bitmap, and then copying the bitmap to the
  display. The function dims the text regardless of the selected brush and
  background. The GrayString member function uses the currently selected
  If <lpFnOutput> is NULL, GDI uses the Windows TextOut function, and
  <lpData> is assumed to be a far pointer to the character to be output.
  If the characters to be output cannot be handled by TextOut (for
  example, the string is stored as a bitmap), the application must supply
  its own output function.
  Also note that all callback functions must trap Foundation exceptions
  before returning to Windows, since exceptions cannot be thrown across
  callback boundaries. For more information about exceptions, see Chapter
  12 in the <Class Libraries User's Guide>.
  The callback function passed to GrayString must use the Pascal calling
  convention, must be exported with __export, and must be declared FAR.
  Callback Function
       BOOL FAR PASCAL __export OutputFunc( HDC <hDC>,
                                DWORD <lpData>, int <nCount> );
  <OutputFunc> is a placeholder for the application-supplied callback
  function name. The actual name must be exported as described in the
  "Remarks" above. The callback function (<OutputFunc>) must draw an image
  relative to the coordinates (0,0) rather than (<x>, <y>).
  Parameter   Description
  <hDC>       Identifies a memory device context with a bitmap of at least
              the width and height specified by <nWidth> and <nHeight> to
              GrayString, respectively.
  <lpData>    Points to the character string to be drawn.
  <nCount>    Specifies the number of characters to output.
  Return Value
  The callback function's return value must be nonzero to indicate
  success. Otherwise, it is 0.
  Return Value
  TRUE if the string is drawn, or FALSE if either the TextOut function or
  the application-supplied output function returned FALSE, or there was
  insufficient memory to create a memory bitmap for dimming.
  See Also
  ::GetSysColor, CDC::SetTextColor, CDC::TextOut, ::GrayString