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typedef struct _WNDPARAMS {    /* wprm */
    USHORT fsStatus;
    USHORT cchText;
    PSZ    pszText;
    USHORT cbPresParams;
    PVOID  pPresParams;
    USHORT cbCtlData;
    PVOID  pCtlData;
The WNDPARAMS structure contains information about a window.
Field         Description
fsStatus      Specifies the window parameters which are to be set or
              queried. This can be any combination of the following values:
              Value             Meaning
              WPM_TEXT          Text
              WPM_CTLDATA       Control data
              WPM_PRESPARAMS    Presentation parameters
              WPM_CCHTEXT       Size of text
              WPM_CBCTLDATA     Size of control data
              WPM_CBPRESPARAMS  Size of presentation parameters
cchText       Specifies the length of the window text.
pszText       Points to the window text.
cbPresParams  Specifies the length of the presentation parameters.
pPresParams   Points to the PRESPARAMS structure that contains presentation
              parameters. This field is NULL if there are no presentation
cbCtlData     Specifies the length of the class-specific data.
pCtlData      Points to the class-specific data.
See Also