overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Metafiles (1.2)
Using Section  Function Group                     Up Next Previous
                              About Metafiles
This topic describes a special file called a metafile. You should also be
familiar with the following topics:
    Color and mix modes
    Area primitives
    Fonts and character primitives
    Segments and retained graphics
    Presentation spaces and device contexts
    Coordinate spaces and transformations
A metafile is a file that contains a picture and information that MS OS/2
uses when it draws the picture. The following list describes the elements
found in a metafile:
♦  Picture
♦  Logical color table
♦  Logical font (optional)
♦  Fill pattern (optional)
♦  Viewing transformation
♦  Page units
♦  Page dimensions
You can display the contents of a metafile (its picture) in a window on a
video display, or you can print it on a printer. When displaying the
contents of a metafile, you can use the logical color table, logical font,
fill pattern, and transformations that are in the application's presentation
space, or you can use the color table, font, fill pattern, and
transformations that are in the metafile. You can save metafiles onto a disk
and load them from a disk into your application, or you can transfer them
from application to application by using the clipboard or from user to user
over a network.
Graphics Orders
Unlike a bitmap, which contains color information for pels in a raster
image, a metafile contains graphics orders that MS OS/2 uses to construct
the picture. MS OS/2 uses several types of graphics orders, which are
low-level graphics commands. Two such graphics orders represent,
respectively, the drawing functions and attribute functions for lines, arcs,
characters, markers, text, and bitmaps; a third graphics←order represents
miscellaneous functions that set transformations, call segments, and so
forth. There are four graphics-order sizes:
♦  1-byte orders
♦  2-byte orders
♦  Long orders (maximum length of 256 bytes)
♦  Very long orders (maximum length of 64K bytes)
A 1-byte order contains a hexadecimal identifier corresponding to a drawing
function or attribute function. A 2-byte order contains a hexadecimal
identifier in the first byte and data in the second byte. Long and very long
orders contain a hexadecimal identifier corresponding to a drawing function
or attribute function, a length value that specifies how many bytes are used
by the graphics-order arguments, and the actual arguments. The following
example shows a long graphics order that corresponds to the GpiLine drawing
81 8 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
The first number, 81, is the hexadecimal identifier that corresponds to the
GpiLine function. The second number, 8, is the length value that specifies
how many bytes are used by the graphics-order arguments. The next eight
bytes contain the arguments for GpiLine. In this case, these arguments
specify the line's endpoint at (100,100).
Creating Metafiles
To store graphics orders and drawing information in a metafile, you need to
create a metafile device context and associate it with your application's
presentation space. A metafile device context is a special device context
that returns a handle to a metafile when you close it. To create a metafile
device context, call the DevOpenDC function, passing it the OD_METAFILE type
as the second argument. The following code fragment creates a metafile
device context that is compatible with a display:
dop.pszLogAddress = NULL;
dop.pszDriverName = "DISPLAY";
dop.pdriv = NULL;
dop.pszDataType = NULL;
hdcMeta = DevOpenDC(hab, OD_METAFILE, "*", 4L,
    (PDEVOPENDATA) &dop, hdcComp);
Storing Pictures in Metafiles
Once you create a metafile device context, you can associate it with your
application's presentation space and begin drawing the picture. If the
drawing mode is DM_DRAW, MS OS/2 stores (in the metafile) the graphics
orders that correspond to drawing functions and primitive attributes. If the
drawing order is DM_RETAIN, MS OS/2 does not store graphics orders in the
metafile. Instead, it stores them in segments. An application can then copy
these orders from segments into a metafile by calling one of the following
Function        Description
GpiDrawChain    Copies the segment chain into the metafile.
GpiDrawFrom     Copies a selected range of segments from the segment chain
                into the metafile.
GpiDrawSegment  Copies the contents of a particular segment into the
If the drawing mode is DM_DRAWANDRETAIN, MS OS/2 stores the graphics orders
in the metafile and in any open segments. You can set the drawing mode by
calling the GpiSetDrawingMode function.
After you finish drawing into a metafile, you can obtain a handle for it by
calling the DevCloseDC function and passing the handle that identifies the
metafile device context:
GpiAssociate(hps, NULL);
hmf = DevCloseDC(hdcMeta);
The GpiAssociate call disassociates the metafile device context from the
presentation space identified by the hps argument. You disassociate the
metafile from the presentation space before you call DevCloseDC. Once you
obtain a handle to the metafile, you can save the metafile on disk or
display its contents on an output device.
Editing Metafiles
To edit graphics orders in a metafile, you must first copy them into an
array of bytes by calling the GpiQueryMetaFileBits function. The number of
drawing orders copied depends on the size of the array that you supply. You
can determine the size of the metafile (in bytes) by calling the
GpiQueryMetaFileLength function. Once you finish editing the graphics
orders, you can copy them back into the metafile by calling the
GpiSetMetaFileBits function.
Playing Metafiles
You can display or print the picture in a metafile by playing its contents
with the GpiPlayMetaFile function. When you call this function, you must
specify whether you want MS OS/2 to use the logical color table, logical
font, fill pattern, viewing transformation, and device transformation that
are in your application's presentation space or whether you want MS OS/2 to
use the definitions for these objects in the metafile. The following code
fragment shows a call to the GpiPlayMetaFile function that uses the
definitions in the application's presentation space and ignores the
definitions in the metafile:
alOpt[0] = 0L;           /* reserved                               */
alOpt[1] = LT_DEFAULT;   /* viewing transformation in PS           */
alOpt[2] = 0L;           /* reserved                               */
alOpt[3] = LC_DEFAULT;   /* font and fill pattern in PS            */
alOpt[4] = RES_DEFAULT;  /* page units and dimensions in PS        */
alOpt[5] = SUP_DEFAULT;  /* draws metafile into PS                 */
alOpt[6] = CTAB_DEFAULT; /* logical color table in PS              */
alOpt[7] = CREA_DEFAULT; /* sets realizable option in color table  */
GpiPlayMetaFile(hps, hmf, 8L, alOpt, 0L, 0L, NULL);
If you must use the fonts, fill patterns, color tables, and transformations
from the metafile, you should call the GpiPlayMetaFile function and load the
options array with the following flags:
alOpt[0] = 0L;              /* reserved                              */
alOpt[1] = LT_ORIGINALVIEW; /* viewing transformation in metafile    */
alOpt[2] = 0L;              /* reserved                              */
alOpt[3] = LC_LOADDISC;     /* font and fill pattern in metafile     */
alOpt[4] = RES_RESET;       /* page units/dimensions in metafile     */
alOpt[5] = SUP_DEFAULT;     /* draws metafile into PS                */
alOpt[6] = CTAB_REPLACE;    /* color table in metafile               */
alOpt[7] = CREA_DEFAULT;    /* set realizable option in color table  */
GpiPlayMetaFile(hps, hmf, 8L, alOpt, 0L, 0L, NULL);
When you use the definitions in the metafile, MS OS/2 resets the
presentation space using the values found in the metafile.
Saving Metafiles
You can save a metafile onto a disk by calling the GpiSaveMetaFile function.
This function saves the metafile in the same directory the application is
in. You cannot use this function to save a metafile into a separate
directory on another drive (or even on the same drive). Once you save a
metafile onto a disk, its handle is no longer valid──you cannot draw the
contents of the metafile again until you load it from disk. To load a
metafile that you've saved on disk, you should call the GpiLoadMetaFile
function and pass it the name of the file. This function returns a handle to
the metafile after loading it.