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About Window Classes (1.2)
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                            About Window Classes
This topic describes how applications create and use window classes. You
should also be familiar with the following topics:
    Window procedures
    Messages and message queues
    Initialization files
A window class determines the window styles and window procedure given to
windows of that class when they are created. Every window created by an
application is a member of a window class. Each window class has an
associated window procedure that it shares with all windows of that same
class. The window procedure handles messages for all windows of that class
and therefore defines the behavior and appearance of the window.
When an application creates a window, it must specify a window class. The
WinCreateWindow function requires that the class be given explicitly. Other
window-creation functions use specific classes by default. In all cases, a
window class must be registered before it can be used to create windows. An
application can register its own (private) window classes or use
pregistered, public window classes.
Custom Window Classes
A custom (or private) window class is any window class registered by an
application. The application defines the window procedure, class style, and
window data size for the class and then registers the class by using the
WinRegisterClass function. The window class is available to the application,
but only to that application. Classes created in this way are private and
cannot be shared by other applications. When the application terminates, the
system removes any data associated with the private window class and
invalidates the class name.
An application can register its own window classes at any time. Typically,
an application registers window classes as part of its initialization, but
this is not required. The only restriction is that no window of a particular
class can be created until that class is registered by the application.
When an application registers a window class, it must supply the following
♦  Class name
♦  Class styles
♦  Window procedure
♦  Window data size
The class name identifies the window class. The application uses this name
when creating a window, specifying the class to use. The class name can be a
character string or an integer value. The class name must be unique. The
system checks to see if a public class or a class already registered by the
application has the same name. If the class name is not unique, an error is
The class style is one or more values that tell the system what initial
window styles to give a window created with this class. Some class styles
(for example, CS_SYNCPAINT) cause a new window to be given the corresponding
window style when it is created. Styles such as CS_MOVENOTIFY direct the
system to send messages to the window procedure when it ordinarily would
The window procedure is a function that receives and processes all messages
sent to the window by the system. It is the chief component of the window
class because it explicitly defines the appearance and behavior of each
window created with the class. The window procedure can be part of the
application or part of a dynamic-link library. In either case, it must be an
exported function. When a window procedure is in a dynamic-link library
rather than in the application, the application must import the window
procedure by using an import library when linking, using the IMPORTS
statement in the application's module-definition file, or using the
DosLoadModule and DosGetProcAddr functions to retrieve the function
The window data size is a value that specifies the number of extra bytes to
allocate for each window data structure. The system creates a window data
structure for each window. The extra bytes can be used by an application to
store additional information about a particular window.
Once created, a window-class data structure cannot be changed. However, it
is relatively easy to change the window styles and window procedure of a
window created with that class. An application cannot deregister a window
class. Window classes remain registered and available until the application
An application that registers a window class can also support its own set of
window styles for windows of that class. Standard window styles──for
example, WS_VISIBLE and WS_SYNCPAINT──still apply to these windows. However,
since a window style is a 32-bit integer and only the high 16 bits are used
for the standard window styles, an application can use the low 16 bits for
styles unique to the custom window.
MS OS/2 has unique window styles for all preregistered window classes.
Styles such as FS_BORDER and BS_PUSHBUTTON are processed by the window
procedure for the corresponding class and not by the system. This means that
an application can build the support for its own window styles into the
window procedure for its custom class. Using a window style designed for one
window class will not work with another window class.
If more than one instance of an application is running at the same time, the
window classes in one instance are not available to any other instance. This
means a second instance must register the classes for itself. If an instance
of an application terminates, the window classes for any other instance of
that application remain unchanged.
Class Styles
Each window class has one or more class styles. A class style tells the
system what initial window style to give a window created with that class.
An application sets the class styles for a window class when it registers
the class. The styles cannot be changed.
When you register a window class, you can specify one or more class styles,
combining them as necessary by using the bitwise OR operator.
An application can examine the class style for any window class by using the
WinQueryClassInfo function. There are ten class styles, as listed below:
Style            Description
CS_CLIPCHILDREN  Sets the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style for windows created with
                 this class.
CS_CLIPSIBLINGS  Sets the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style for windows created with
                 this class.
CS_PARENTCLIP    Sets the WS_PARENTCLIP style for windows created with this
CS_SAVEBITS      Sets the WS_SAVEBITS style for windows created with this
CS_SYNCPAINT     Sets the WS_SYNCPAINT style for windows created with this
CS_FRAME         Identifies windows created with this class as frame
CS_PUBLIC        Creates a public window class.
CS_HITTEST       Directs the system to send WM_HITTEST messages to windows
                 of this class whenever the mouse pointer moves in the
CS_SIZEREDRAW    Directs the system to invalidate the entire window whenever
                 the size of the window changes.
CS_MOVENOTIFY    Directs the system to send WM_MOVE messages to the window
                 whenever the window is moved.
Window Procedures
The window procedure for a window class handles the messages sent to windows
of that class. One window procedure is shared by all windows of a class, so
applications must ensure that no conflicts arise when two windows of the
same class attempt to access the same global data. In other words, the
window procedure must protect global data and other shared resources.
Public Window Classes
Although MS OS/2 allows an application to register its own window classes,
most applications rarely register more than one window class. This window
class supports the client window in the application's main window. For all
other windows, the application generally uses public window classes. Public
window classes support frame windows, controls, menus, and dialog windows.
Public window classes are available to all applications. An application does
not need to register a public window class to use it. The window procedure
for a public window class always resides in a dynamic-link library and is
accessible to all applications. An application does not need to import the
window procedure to use a public window class.
Preregistered Window Classes
MS OS/2 provides several preregistered, public window classes. Applications
can use these public window classes to create frame windows, dialog windows,
menus, push buttons, entry fields, and other controls. The window procedures
for these classes are predefined so the application does not register the
class before using it.
An application uses a preregistered, public window class by specifying its
class in a call to the WinCreateWindow function. The class names for the
preregistered, public window classes are integer values represented by the
following constant names:
Class name     Description
WC_FRAME       Creates a frame window. Has class styles CS_FRAME,
WC_BUTTON      Creates a button control. Has class styles CS_PARENTCLIP,
WC_ENTRYFIELD  Creates a text-entry control field. Has class styles
WC_LISTBOX     Creates a list box. Has class styles CS_PARENTCLIP,
               CS_SYNCPAINT, and CS_PUBLIC.
WC_MENU        Creates a menu. Has class styles CS_SYNCPAINT, CS_SIZEREDRAW,
               and CS_PUBLIC.
WC_SCROLLBAR   Creates a scroll bar. Has class styles CS_HITTEST,
WC_STATIC      Creates a static control. Has class styles CS_PARENTCLIP,
WC_TITLEBAR    Creates a title bar. Has class styles CS_HITTEST,
Each preregistered, public window class also supports several window styles
that an application can use to customize a window. For example, a window
created with the WC_BUTTON class can have any one of four different
behaviors and appearances. The application specifies the style (and the
behavior and appearance of the window) in the call to the WinCreateWindow
An application must not use the preregistered, public window-class names
when it registers its own window classes.
Custom Public Classes
An application can create its own public window class, but this must be done
in a special manner at system initialization. Only the shell can register a
public window class and only when the system starts. Registering a public
window class requires a special load entry in the os2.ini file that
instructs the shell to load a dynamic-link library whose initialization
routine registers the window class. Public window classes must be registered
by using the WinRegisterClass function and must have the class style
CS_PUBLIC. A public window class registered in this way can have the same
name as an existing public window class, but this replaces the original
window class.
If a dynamic-link library replaces a public window class, it can also save
the previous window-procedure address and use it to subclass the original
window class. The dynamic-link library retrieves the original
window-procedure address by using the WinQueryClassInfo function. The new
window procedure then passes unprocessed messages to the original window
procedure. All windows created using this revised public window class will
automatically be subclassed.
When subclassing a public window class, the window data size cannot be
smaller than the original window data size. All public window classes
defined by MS OS/2 use four extra bytes for storing a pointer to custom
window data. This size is not guaranteed for public window classes defined
by dynamic-link modules not belonging to MS OS/2.
Class Data
An application can examine a registered window class by using the
WinQueryClassInfo function. This is useful for checking the class styles of
a public window class. An application can also retrieve the name of the
class for a given window by using the WinQueryClassName function. Using the
window class name, you can then call the WinQueryClassInfo function to
retrieve the window class data.
The WinQueryClassName function retrieves the name of the window class. If
the window is one of the preregistered, public window classes, the window
class name returned is in the form #nnnnn, where nnnnn is up to five digits
representing the value of the window class name constant.
The WinQueryClassInfo function retrieves information about a window class.
It copies the class style, window-procedure address, and window data size to
a CLASSINFO data structure.