qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C Language Index
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──C Language Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  halloc                 Allocate huge memory block
  _harderr               Establish hard error handler for INT 0x24
  _HARDERR_ABORT         Abort program using INT 0x23
  _HARDERR_FAIL          Fail the system call in progress
  _HARDERR_IGNORE        Ignore the error
  _HARDERR_RETRY         Retry the operation
  _hardresume            Return to DOS from handler
  _hardretn              Return to application program from handler
  _heapadd               Add memory to the heap
  _HEAPBADBEGIN          Invalid initial-heap header information
  _HEAPBADNODE           Bad node damaged heap
  _HEAPBADPTR            Invalid pointer into the heap
  _heapchk               Check heap for consistency
  _HEAPEMPTY             Heap has not been initialized
  _HEAPEND               End of heap reached successfully
  _heapinfo              Next heap entry structure
  _HEAP_MAXREQ           Maximum memory request
  _heapmin               Release unused memory in the heap
  _HEAPOK                Heap is valid so far
  _heapset               Fill heap with specified value
  _heapwalk              Test heap
  _HERCMONO              Hercules-compatible video mode
  hfree                  Free huge memory block
  _HGC                   Hercules-compatible adapter
  _HRES16COLOR           640x200; 16-color EGA video mode
  _HRESBW                640x200; 2-color CGA video mode
  _huge                  Type modifier
  hypot                  Calculate hypotenuse
  hypotl                 Calculate hypotenuse (80-bit)