qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C Language Index
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──C Language Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  pack                   Structure-member packing pragma
  palette colors         Constants to set background or palette colors
  _pascal                Pascal calling-sequence modifier
  perror                 Print error message
  _PG_...                Presentation-graphics errors
  _PG_...                Chart types and styles
  _PG_...                Locations for chart titles
  _pg_analyzechart       Analyze single series of data
  _pg_analyzechartms     Analyze multiple series of data
  _pg_analyzepie         Analyze single series of data for pie chart
  _pg_analyzescatter     Analyze single series of data for scatter chart
  _pg_analyzescatterms   Analyze multiple series of data for scatter
  _PG_...AXIS            Chart axis styles
  _pg_chart              Display single-series chart
  _pg_chartms            Display multiple-series chart
  _pg_chartpie           Display pie chart
  _pg_chartscatter       Display single-series scatter chart
  _pg_chartscatterms     Display multiple-series scatter chart
  _pg_defaultchart       Initialize chart environment
  _PG_...FORMAT          Chart tick-mark format
  _pg_getchardef         Get pixel bit map for specified character
  _pg_getpalette         Get palette colors, line styles, and patterns
  _pg_getstyleset        Get current style set
  _pg_hlabelchart        Write text horizontally on the screen
  _pg_initchart          Initialize presentation graphics
  _pg_resetpalette       Reset palette colors, line styles, and patterns
                            to default values
  _pg_resetstyleset      Reset style set to default values
  _pg_setchardef         Set pixel bit map for specified character
  _pg_setpalette         Set palette colors, line styles, and patterns
  _pg_setstyleset        Set current style set
  _pg_vlabelchart        Write text vertically on the screen
  _pie...                Draw wedge-shaped figure
  PLOSS                  Partial loss of significance (math error)
  _polygon...            Draw polygon
  pow                    Calculate x raised to the y power
  powl                   Calculate x raised to the y power (80-bit)
  pragmas, compiler      Keywords for controlling the compiler
     of operators        List of C operators and order of precedence
  presentation graphics  High-level graphics functions
  _PRINTER_INIT          Initialize printer
  _PRINTER_STATUS        Return printer status
  _PRINTER_WRITE         Send low-order byte to printer
  printf                 Print formatted output to stdout
  printf formats         Syntax for display formats
  process control
    functions            Starting, suspending, and halting processes
  programs, example      Microsoft C functions demonstrated
  _psp                   Program-segment-prefix global variable
  ptrdiff_t              Pointer-subtraction result type
  putc                   Write a character to a stream
  putch                  Write a character to the console
  putchar                Write a character to stdout
  putenv                 Create new environment variables
  _putimage...           Retrieve image from buffer
  puts                   Write string to stdout
  putw                   Write integer to stream
  P_DETACH               Detached asynchronous spawn
  P_NOWAIT               Execute parent process concurrently with child
  P_NOWAITO              Asynchronous spawn
  P_OVERLAY              Overlay parent process with child process
  P_WAIT                 Suspend parent process until child process