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Object Events Summary
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 Object Events Summary
 ■ Events are used with forms and controls to detect and perform actions.
   When a valid event is detected, a special SUB procedure (called an event
   handler or event procedure) is invoked. Visual Basic supports several
   common events, including the detection of keystrokes, button clicks, and
   mouse clicks.
 ■ In earlier versions of Microsoft Basic, event statements were used to
   detect events from module-level code. The occurrence of an event caused
   the program to jump (using a GOSUB statement) to a particular line label
   at the module level. This type of event-handling functionality is
   included in Visual Basic for compatibility only. Use object-specific
   events with forms. See: Error/Event Trapping Summary
 ■ Each event applies to a specific set of objects. A list of applicable
   objects is defined in the Help topic for each individual event.
 ■ Use the following syntax for form events:
         SUB Form_event ()
         • event      Name of the event
  ■ Use the following syntax for control events:
         SUB ctlname_event ([Index AS INTEGER])
         • ctlname    Any valid control name
         • event      Name of the event
         • Index      Identifies which control receives the event in a
                      control array
 ■ The following events are available in Visual Basic:
   Change          Change the value of a control
   Click           Click a form or control
   DblClick        Double-click a form or control
   DragDrop        Drag and drop an object on a control
   DragOver        Drag an object over a control
   DropDown        Imminent drop-down of menu or list portion of combo box
   GotFocus        Form or control receives the focus
   KeyDown         Key is pressed down while a form or control has focus
   KeyPress        ASCII-representable key is pressed
   KeyUp           Key is released while a form or control has the focus
   Load            Form is created and loaded into memory
   LostFocus       Form or control loses the focus
   MouseDown       Mouse button is pressed
   MouseMove       Mouse is moved
   MouseUp         Mouse button is released
   Paint           Form or control is painted
   PathChange      Assignment causes the drive path to change
   PatternChange   Assignment causes the file pattern to change
   Resize          Form is resized
   Timer           Time limit set by Interval property is reached
   Unload          Form is removed from memory
 See Also
    Controls Summary                 Form
    Methods Summary                  Properties Summary