qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Properties Summary
                                                 Contents  Index  Back
 Properties Summary
 ■ Properties determine the appearance and behavior of forms, controls, and
   other objects.
 ■ Property values can be passed to a SUB or FUNCTION procedure by reference.
   Property names can be used in SELECT CASE statements, FOR...NEXT
   statements, or for direct input (INPUT #1, BackColor).
 ■ Each property applies to a specific set of objects. A list of applicable
   objects is defined in the Help topic for each individual property.
 ■ Use the following syntax to set properties in code:
         [form.][object.]property[ = setting%]
         • form       Name of the form; optional in some cases. If omitted,
                      the implied form is used.
         • object     Name of a form, special object, or control; optional
                      in some cases. If omitted, the implied form or control
                      is used.
         • property   Any valid property name
         • setting%   Any valid property setting
 ■ The following properties are available in Visual Basic:
   ActiveControl Returns name of control with the focus
   ActiveForm    Returns name of form with the focus
   Alignment     Specifies alignment style of text
   Archive       Filters out files marked as archived
   Attached      Determines if scroll bar will be attached to form
   AutoRedraw    Determines if automatic repainting will occur
   AutoSize      Indicates if control will resize to fit contents
   BackColor     Determines background color of form/control
   BorderStyle   Determines border style of form/control
   Cancel        Defines Cancel button for command button
   Caption       Defines text to appear inside a control or title bar
   Checked       Indicates whether menu item is selected
   ControlBox    Places Control-menu box on form
   ControlPanel  Enables definition of default color settings
   CtlName       Defines name of a control
   CurrentX      Returns and sets current X (row) coordinate
   CurrentY      Returns and sets current Y (column) coordinate
   Default       Defines Default button for command button
   DragMode      Sets mode for drag-and-drop operations
   Drive         Sets or returns current disk drive
   Enabled       Permits form or control to respond to events
   FileName      Returns currently selected file name
   ForeColor     Determines foreground color of form/control
   FormName      Defines name of form
   FormType      Specifies MDI container or standard form
   Height        Sets or returns height of form, control, or screen
   Hidden        Filters out files marked as hidden
   Index         Number that identifies control if part of control array
   Interval      Determines time between occurrences of Timer event
   LargeChange   Determines amount of change when scroll bar is clicked
   Left          Sets or returns horizontal position (col) of form/control
   List          Allows access to items in list box or combo box
   ListCount     Returns number of items in list box or combo box
   ListIndex     Returns index of currently selected item
   Max           Defines maximum number in allowed scroll bar range
   MaxButton     Determines if Maximize button will be present on form
   Min           Defines minimum number in allowed scroll bar range
   MinButton     Determines if Minimize button will be present on form
   MousePointer  Determines default character to represent mouse
   MultiLine     Determines if text box will allow multiple lines
   Normal        Allows display of files not marked by any attributes
   Parent        Returns container of form/control
   Path          Returns the currently selected path, including drive
   Pattern       Filters file names to be displayed
   PrintTarget   Specifies target printer for PRINTFORM method output
   ReadOnly      Filters out files marked as read-only
   ScaleHeight   Returns interior height of form/control
   ScaleWidth    Returns interior width of form/control
   ScrollBars    Defines presence and style of scroll bars
   SelLength     Returns length of selected text
   SelStart      Returns starting position of selected text
   SelText       Returns currently selected text
   Separator     Determines if a menu control is displayed as a separator
   SmallChange   Determines amount of change when scroll bar is clicked
   Sorted        Determines if list will be sorted as new items change
   Style         Determines style of combo box
   System        Filters out files marked as system
   TabIndex      Indicates control position in the tab order
   TabStop       Determines whether tabbing will stop at control
   Tag           Identifies form or control as changeable at run time
   Text          Defines text to display in a control
   Top           Sets or returns vertical position (row) of form/control
   Value         Returns current state of control
   Visible       Determines visibility of form/control
   Width         Sets or returns external width of form, control, or screen
   WindowState   Returns or sets visual state of form/control
 ■ Form and control properties are stored in the far heap, with one far heap
   segment (up to but not exceeding 64K) allocated for each form.
 See Also
    Controls Summary                 Form
    Methods Summary                  Object Events Summary