bas7qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
BASIC Data Types
  Variables  Constants                       Contents  Index  Back
                              BASIC Data Types
 Suffix    Data Type          Size of Data          Range
 ──────    ────────────────   ────────────────      ─────────────────────
   %       INTEGER                 2 bytes           -32,768 to 32,767
   &       LONG integer            4 bytes           -2,147,483,648 to
   !       SINGLE precision        4 bytes           -3.402823E38 to
           floating point                            -1.40129E-45 for
                                                     negative values;
                                                     1.40129E-45 to
                                                     3.402823E38 for
                                                     positive values
                                                     When compiling with
                                                     /Fpa: -3.402823E38
                                                     to -1.175494E-38 for
                                                     negative values;
                                                     1.175494E-38 to
                                                     3.402823E38 for
                                                     positive values
   #       DOUBLE precision        8 bytes           -1.79769313486231D308
           floating point                            to -4.94065D-324 for
                                                     negative values;
                                                     4.94065D-324 to
                                                     for positive values
                                                     When compiling with
                                                     for negative values;
                                                     for positive values.
   @       Scaled integer          8 bytes           -922337203685477.5808
           (CURRENCY)                                to 922337203685477.5807
   $       Variable-length         4 bytes per       0 to 32,767 bytes
           STRING                  descriptor,
                                   1 byte per
                                   string character
   $       Fixed-length            Number of bytes   0 to 32,767 bytes
           string (STRING*num)     specified
  None     Record variable         Number of bytes
           (user-defined)          required by
 The data type names accepted in AS type declarations are in bold
 upper-case letters.
See Also  Elementary Data Types - String  Declaring Simple Variables
          Elementary Data Types - Numeric Declaring Array Variables
          User-Defined Data Types         Variable Storage and Memory Use
          ISAM Data Types                 Type Conversion
          Scope Rules