msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMSHORT(usFormat);    /* format to set          */
mp2 = 0L;                       /* not used, must be zero */
An application sends an MLM_FORMAT message to set the format for importing
to or exporting from a multiple-line entry field (MLE).
Parameter  Description
usFormat   Low word of mp1. Specifies the format to set. This parameter can
           be one of the following values:
           Value          Meaning
           MLFIE_CFTEXT   Specifies the clipboard text format. This format
                          uses carriage-return/linefeed characters for line
                          breaks on export, and recognizes linefeed,
                          carriage-return/linefeed, or
                          linefeed/carriage-return characters for line
                          breaks on import. This is the default format.
           MLFIE_NOTRANS  Specifies a format that uses linefeed characters
                          for line breaks. This value guarantees that any
                          text imported into the MLE in this form can be
                          recovered in exactly the same form on export.
           MLFIE_WINFMT   Specifies the format of the MLE window. This
                          format recognizes carriage-return/linefeed
                          characters for line breaks on import. It ignores
                          the sequence
                          carriage-return/carriage-return/linefeed. On
                          export, it uses carriage-return/linefeed
                          characters to denote a hard line break and
                          characters to denote a soft line break caused by
See Also