mw.hlp (Topic list)
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Overview: <File Print Merge command>
To create a main document:
1. Type a DATA instruction as the first paragraph
   in the main document.
   The form for the data instruction is:
   «DATA filename»
   Be sure to enclose the DATA instruction in
   chevrons (« »).
   ■ For « press Ctrl+[.
   ■ For » press Ctrl+].
2. Type the text that will be the same for all
   copies of the document.
   You enter, edit, and format the text of the
   main document as you would for any Word
3. Type a field name wherever you want Word to
   insert the varying text from the data
   Enclose each field name in chevrons (« »).
   Field names are categories that tell Word what
   kind of text to insert. Examples of field
   names could be:  «address», «state», or
More Help: <Merging files>
           <Demo: Creating Form Letters>
Using Manual: Chapter 16, "Form Letters, Mailing
              Labels, and Other Merge Documents"