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Overview: <Macro Run command>
To run a macro using the Macro Run command:
1. Move the cursor to where you want the macro to
   start running.
2. Choose Macro Run (Alt,M,R).
3. In the Macro Name box, type the macro name or
   select it from the list. (The list contains
   all the macros in the open glossary.)
4. Choose OK.
To run a macro using a macro <key code>:
If you assign a key code to a macro, you can use
the key code to start the macro. The key code is
displayed in the list when you choose the Macro
Run command.
1. Position the cursor where you want the macro
   to start running.
2. Press the keys for the macro key code.
   For example, to use a macro key code Ctrl+M,
   hold down Ctrl while you press M.
Note: Macro key codes may conflict with defined
      function keys or speed formatting keys. Use
      Ctrl+A+the key to override the macro and
      activate the normal key function. For
      example, if a macro has the key code
      Ctrl+B (which normally applies bold
      formatting), press Ctrl+A+B to apply bold
More Help: <Working with macros>
Using Manual: Ch. 22, "Macros"