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Overview: <View Ruler command>
From left to right on the ruler are the controls
for the following:
Leader Characters
  Leader characters fill the blank spaces before a
  tab stop. Select the leader character you want
  by clicking the far left end of the ruler. The
  leader character options are:
               Blank leader (no leader)
  _____________Underscore leader
  -------------Hyphen leader
  .............Dot leader
  The default is blank (no leader character).
Alignment Options
  Select the alignment option you want:
   L           Left end of text aligns with tab
   C           Center of text aligns with tab
   R           Right end of text aligns with tab
   D           Decimal point aligns with tab
   │           Draws a vertical line
Left and Right Paragraph Indents
  The paragraph indent markers ([]) show the
  indents for the paragraph the cursor is in.
The First Line Indent
  The first line indent marker (|) is visible when
  you move the left paragraph indent.
More Help: <Using the ruler>
           <Lesson: Ribbon and Ruler>
Using Manual: Ch. 9, "Tabs and Tables"