NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Options Macros
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     Options macros represent arguments to be passed to the commands
     for invoking the Microsoft language compilers. The predefined
     inference rules use options macros. By default, these macros are
     undefined. As with all macros, they can be used even if they are
     undefined; an undefined macro generates a null string.
     See: Command Macros
          Null Macros and Undefined Macros
          Predefined Inference Rules
     You can define the options macros with the options you want to
     pass to the predefined inference rules. You can also use these
     macros in commands in description blocks and inference rules.
     See: Defining a Macro
          Macro        Passes Options To
          AFLAGS       Microsoft Macro Assembler
          CFLAGS       Microsoft C Compiler
          CPPFLAGS     Microsoft C++ Compiler
          CXXFLAGS     Microsoft C++ Compiler
          BFLAGS       Microsoft Basic Compiler
          COBFLAGS     Microsoft COBOL Compiler
          FFLAGS       Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler
          PFLAGS       Microsoft Pascal Compiler
          RFLAGS       Microsoft Resource Compiler