NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Predefined Inference Rules
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     NMAKE provides predefined inference rules that contain commands to
     create object, executable, and resource files. The .SUFFIXES list
     determines which inference rule (either defined or predefined) is
     applied. To see all the inference rules, run NMAKE using /P.
     See: /P Option
          .SUFFIXES Directive
     Rule      Command                               Default Action
     .asm.exe  $(AS) $(AFLAGS) $*.asm                ML $*.ASM
     .asm.obj  $(AS) $(AFLAGS) /c $*.asm             ML /c $*.ASM
     .c.exe    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c                  CL $*.C
     .c.obj    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c               CL /c $*.C
     .cpp.exe  $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.cpp             CL $*.CPP
     .cpp.obj  $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) /c $*.cpp          CL /c $*.CPP
     .cxx.exe  $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $*.cxx             CL $*.CXX
     .cxx.obj  $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) /c $*.cxx          CL /c $*.CXX
     .bas.obj  $(BC) $(BFLAGS) $*.bas;               BC $*.BAS;
     .cbl.exe  $(COBOL) $(COBFLAGS) $*.cbl, $*.exe;  COBOL $*.CBL, $*.EXE;
     .cbl.obj  $(COBOL) $(COBFLAGS) $*.cbl;          COBOL $*.CBL;
     .for.exe  $(FOR) $(FFLAGS) $*.for               FL $*.FOR
     .for.obj  $(FOR) /c $(FFLAGS) $*.for            FL /c $*.FOR
     .pas.exe  $(PASCAL) $(PFLAGS) $*.pas            PL $*.PAS
     .pas.obj  $(PASCAL) /c $(PFLAGS) $*.pas         PL /c $*.PAS
     .rc.res   $(RC) $(RFLAGS) /r $*                 RC /r $*
     The default action for each rule depends on the definitions of the
     command macro and options macro used in the rule. By default, the
     options macros are undefined; this causes no error. Because the
     options macros are included in the inference rules, you can define
     them, then have the defiled values passed automatically to the
     predefined inference rules.
     See: Command Macros
          Options Macros
          Defining a Macro
          Null Macros and Undefined Macros