NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Inline Files
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     NMAKE can create an inline file in the commands section of a
     description block or inference rule. The file is created on disk.
     It contains text you specify in the makefile. Use the name of the
     inline file in commands in the same way as any filename. NMAKE
     creates the inline file only when the command is executed.
     An inline file specification appears approximately as follows:
          target : dependent
             command <<[filename]
          <<[KEEP | NOKEEP]
     See: Specifying an Inline File
          Creating an Inline File
          Reusing an Inline File
          Using Multiple Inline Files
     One way to use an inline file is as a response file for a utility
     such as LINK or LIB. Response files avoid the operating system
     limit on the maximum length of a command line and automate the
     specification of input to a utility. Inline files eliminate the
     need to maintain a separate response file. They can also be used
     to pass a list of commands to the operating system.