NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Using Multiple Inline Files
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     A single command can use more than one inline file. For each
     inline file, specify one or more lines of inline text followed by
     a closing line containing the delimiter. Begin the second file's
     text on the line following the delimiting line for the first file.
     The following example creates two inline files:
          target.abc : depend.xyz
            copy <<file1 + <<file2 both.txt
          I am the contents of file1.
          I am the contents of file2.
     This is equivalent to concatenating two files:
          copy file1 + file2 both.txt
     The KEEP keyword tells NMAKE to preserve FILE2. After NMAKE ends,
     the files FILE2 and BOTH.TXT exist in the current directory.