NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
NMAKE Command File
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     You can place command-line arguments in a file and pass the file's
     name as an argument to NMAKE. Use a command file to overcome the
     limit on the length of a command line in the operating system (128
     characters in DOS).
     To provide input to NMAKE with a command file, type:
          NMAKE @commandfile
     The <commandfile> is a text file containing the information NMAKE
     expects on the command line. Precede the name of the command file
     with an at sign (@). You can specify a path with the filename.
     NMAKE treats the file as if it were a single set of arguments. It
     replaces each line break with a space. Macro definitions that
     contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
     See: Where to Define Macros
     You can split input between the command line and a command file.
     Specify @<commandfile> on the command line at the place where the
     file's information is expected. Other command-line arguments can
     precede or follow <commandfile>. You can specify more than one
     command file.
          NMAKE @update
     If the file named UPDATE contains the line
          /S "program = sample" sort.exe search.exe
     the effect is the same as if you entered the command
          NMAKE /S "program = sample" sort.exe search.exe
     If UPDATE contains the line
          /S "program = sample" sort.exe
     you can start NMAKE with the command
          NMAKE @update search.exe
     A backslash (\) allows a macro definition to span two lines:
          /S "program \
          = sample" sort.exe search.exe