◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ─────Programmer's WorkBench───────────────────────────────────────────────── The Openfile function opens a file in a new window, ignoring the Newwindow switch. See: Newwindow Arg Openfile («arg» «openfile») Opens the file at the cursor in a new window. The name of the file is specified by the text from the cursor to the first blank character. Arg <textarg> Openfile («arg» <textarg> «openfile») Opens the specified file in a new window. If the argument is a wildcard, PWB creates a pseudofile containing a list of files that match the pattern. To open a file from this list, position the cursor at the beginning of the name and use Arg Openfile or Arg Setfile. Returns True: File and window successfully opened. False: No argument specified, or file did not exist and you did not create it. See Newfile, Setfile ◄File menu, Open► ◄Pseudofiles► -♦-