qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
MousePointer Property
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Sets or returns the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over
 a particular form or control at run time.
    {[form.][ctlname.] | SCREEN.}MousePointer[ = char%]
    ■ char%       Valid settings are:
                  Enumerated                                         ASCII
                  Value        Description                           Number
                  ══════════   ═══════════════════════════════════   ═══════
                  0            (Default) Character determined by
                               the underlying form or control; if
                               no mouse pointer is specified, the
                               block shape is used (ASCII 219)
                  1            Block (█)                             219
                  2            Cross (┼)                             197
                  3            IBeam (I)                             073
                  4            Icon (☻)                              002
                  5            Size (☼)                              015
                  6            Left arrow (←)                        027
                  7            Size north/south (↕)                  018
                  8            Right arrow (→)                       026
                  9            Size east/west (↔)                    029
                  10           Up arrow (↑)                          024
                  11           Hourglass (X)                         088
                  12           Down arrow (↓)                        025
 Applies To
    Check Box Control                Combo Box Control
    Command Button Control           Directory List Box Control
    Drive List Box Control           File List Box Control
    Form                             Frame Control
    Horizontal Scroll Bar Control    Label Control
    List Box Control                 Option Button Control
    Picture Box Control              SCREEN Object
    Text Box Control                 Vertical Scroll Bar Control
 See Also
    MouseMove Event