qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Check Box Control
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Displays an option that can be toggled (on/off, true/false,
 checked/unchecked); can also be grayed. An X in a check box
 indicates that the option is selected.
                            [ ] Check1
    Click             DragDrop          DragOver          GotFocus
    KeyDown           KeyPress          KeyUp             LostFocus
    DRAG              MOVE              REFRESH           SETFOCUS
    BackColor         Caption           CtlName           DragMode
    Enabled           ForeColor         Height            Index
    Left              MousePointer      Parent            TabIndex
    TabStop           Tag               Top               Value
    Visible           Width
 See Also
    Controls Summary
    Creating Controls at Design Time
    Option Button Control
    Setting Form and Control Properties