qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
  Summary             Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Sets or returns the background and foreground colors for the active title
 bar in a program.
    SCREEN.ControlPanel({TITLEBAR_BACKCOLOR | subscript%})[ = color%]
    SCREEN.ControlPanel({TITLEBAR_FORECOLOR | subscript%})[ = color%]
    ■ subscript%   TITLEBAR_BACKCOLOR has a value of 16;
                   TITLEBAR_FORECOLOR has a value of 17
    ■ color%       Valid color settings are:
                   Value    Description
                   ══════   ════════════════════════════════════════════════
                   0 - 15   Valid color attribute
                   0        (Default - TITLEBAR_BACKCOLOR) Black
                   15       (Default - TITLEBAR_FORECOLOR) Bright White
 Applies To
    ControlPanel Property                   SCREEN Object
 See Also
    Color Attributes and Values (Objects)   CONSTANT.BI File