qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
ControlPanel Property
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Sets or returns the value of many useful run-time settings. In general,
 ControlPanel constants are used to initialize global system colors and
    SCREEN.ControlPanel({constant | subscript})[ = setting%]
    ■ constant    Valid constant, variable or numeric expression specifying
      subscript   the ControlPanel array subscript. Mapped array values are:
                  Subscript    Constant
                  ═════════    ═════════════════════════════════════════════
                  0            ACCESSKEY_FORECOLOR
                  1            ACTIVE_BORDER_BACKCOLOR
                  2            ACTIVE_BORDER_FORECOLOR
                  3            ACTIVE_WINDOW_SHADOW
                  4            COMBUTTON_FORECOLOR
                  5            DESKTOP_BACKCOLOR
                  6            DESKTOP_FORECOLOR
                  7            DESKTOP_PATTERN
                  8            DISABLED_ITEM_FORECOLOR
                  9            MENU_BACKCOLOR
                  10           MENU_FORECOLOR
                  11           MENU_SELECTED_BACKCOLOR
                  12           MENU_SELECTED_FORECOLOR
                  13           SCROLLBAR_BACKCOLOR
                  14           SCROLLBAR_FORECOLOR
                  15           THREE_D
                  16           TITLEBAR_BACKCOLOR
                  17           TITLEBAR_FORECOLOR
    ■ setting%    Valid color or other setting as defined by the specified
 Applies To
    SCREEN Object
 See Also
    BackColor Property     Color Attributes and Values (Objects)
    CONSTANT.BI File       ForeColor Property