qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
SCREEN Function
  Summary  Details  Example                Contents  Index  Back
 Returns an ASCII character code or color code from the screen character
 location specified; not available when forms are showing. Use the SCREEN
 object with forms. See: SCREEN Object
    SCREEN (line%, column% [,colorflag%])
    ■ line%         Character location; integer expression whose valid
                    range depends on the number of lines on the screen
    ■ column%       Character location; integer expression with a value
                    between 1 and 80, inclusive
    ■ colorflag%    Numeric expression that determines which information
                    is returned:
                    Expression         Return Value
                    ═════════════      ═════════════════════════════════════
                    Not used or 0      ASCII character code
                    1                  Foreground color code
 See Also
    ASCII Character Codes            COLOR Statement
    Graphics Command Summary         SCREEN Object
    SCREEN Statement