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MouReadEventQue (1.2)
Overview                                            Up Next Previous
#define INCL_MOU
USHORT MouReadEventQue(pmouevEvent, pfWait, hmou)
PMOUEVENTINFO pmouevEvent;    /* address of structure for mouse event */
PUSHORT pfWait;               /* wait/no-wait flag                    */
HMOU hmou;                    /* mouse handle                         */
The MouReadEventQue function retrieves a mouse event from the event queue of
the specified mouse. The event queue is a buffer to which MS OS/2 copies
each mouse event. A mouse event is a structure that specifies the user
action that generated the event, the location of the mouse when the event
occurred, and system time when the event occurred.
MS OS/2 copies a mouse event to the event queue whenever the user moves the
mouse or presses or releases a mouse button. The mouse event can specify a
single action or a combination of actions, such as the mouse being moved
with a button down. MS OS/2 copies a mouse event for a given action only if
the event mask enables reporting for that action. For more information, see
the MouSetEventMask function.
Parameter    Description
pmouevEvent  Points to the MOUEVENTINFO structure that receives the mouse
pfWait       Points to the variable that specifies whether the function
             waits for an event. If this parameter is MOU_NOWAIT and the
             queue is empty, the function fills the MOUEVENTINFO structure
             with zeros and returns immediately. If the parameter is
             MOU_WAIT, the function waits for a mouse event if none is
hmou         Identifies the mouse. The handle must have been created
             previously by using the MouOpen function.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
Button 1 is the left button on the mouse.
The meaning of the row and col fields of the MOUEVENTINFO structure depends
on the current device status as defined by the most recently used
MouSetDevStatus function. The values may be absolute or relative, and the
units may be mickeys, character cells, or pels.
Although a specific action may not generate a mouse event, the fs field of
the MOUEVENTINFO structure may include information about the action when
some other event occurs. For example, even if button 2 is disabled, fs is
set to 0x0014 if the user presses button 1 when button 2 is also down. If
the pfWait parameter is MOU_NOWAIT, fs will be zero if either a
mouse-button-up event occurs or no event occurs. To see whether an event
occurred, check the time field; it will be zero if there was no event.
This example creates a mouse handle, enables the mouse pointer to be drawn,
and calls the MouReadEventQue function, telling it to wait until a mouse
event occurs. If the mouse event is the left mouse button down, the message
"Left Button" is displayed:
HMOU hmou;
USHORT fWait = TRUE;                /* waits for mouse event     */
MouOpen(0L, &hmou);
MouReadEventQue(&mouevEvent, &fWait, hmou);
if (mouevEvent.fs & 0x04)           /* if left button pressed... */
    VioWrtTTY("Left Button\n\r", 13, 0);
See Also
MouGetNumQueEl, MouOpen, MouSetDevStatus, MouSetEventMask, MOUEVENTINFO