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VioScrollUp (1.2)
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#define INCL_VIO
USHORT VioScrollUp(usTopRow, usLeftCol, usBotRow, usRightCol, cbLines,
    pbCell, hvio)
USHORT usTopRow;      /* top row                  */
USHORT usLeftCol;     /* left column              */
USHORT usBotRow;      /* bottom row               */
USHORT usRightCol;    /* right column             */
USHORT cbLines;       /* number of blank lines    */
PBYTE pbCell;         /* pointer to cell to write */
HVIO hvio;            /* video handle             */
The VioScrollUp function scrolls the current screen upward.
The VioScrollUp function is a family API function.
Parameter   Description
usTopRow    Specifies the top row of the screen area to scroll.
usLeftCol   Specifies the leftmost column of the screen area to scroll.
usBotRow    Specifies the bottom row of the screen area to scroll.
usRightCol  Specifies the rightmost column of the screen area to scroll.
cbLines     Specifies the number of blank lines to insert at the bottom of
            the screen area being scrolled. If this parameter is zero, no
            lines are inserted.
pbCell      Points to a character/attribute combination, called a cell, that
            fills the screen area left blank by the scrolling.
hvio        Identifies an advanced video-input-and-output (AVIO)
            presentation space. For AVIO programs, this handle must have
            been created previously using the VioCreatePS function. For
            other programs, hvio must be NULL.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
If the usTopRow and usLeftCol parameters are zero, they identify the
upper-left corner of the screen. If you specify a value greater than the
maximum for usTopRow, usLeftCol, usBotRow, usRightCol, or cbLines, the
maximum value for that parameter is used. Maximum values depend upon the
dimensions of the screen being used.
You can use the VioScrollUp function to clear the screen by setting
usTopRow and usLeftCol to zero and usBotRow, usRightCol, and cbLines to
their maximum values. The function clears the screen by using the
character/attribute combination pointed to by the pbCell parameter.
This example calls VioScrollUp to scroll the entire screen up (by using the
value 0xFFFF for usBotRow, usRightCol, and cbLines) and to fill the screen
area left blank by the scrolling with spaces on a green background (0x22 on
an EGA color monitor).
BYTE bCell[2];
bCell[0] = 0x20;        /* space character       */
bCell[1] = 0x22;        /* green attribute (EGA) */
VioScrollUp(0,          /* top row               */
    0,                  /* left column           */
    0xFFFF,             /* bottom row            */
    0xFFFF,             /* right column          */
    0xFFFF,             /* number of lines       */
    bCell,              /* cell to write         */
    0);                 /* video handle          */
VioSetCurPos(0, 0, 0);
See Also
VioCreatePS, VioScrollDn, VioScrollLf, VioScrollRt