win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PrfQueryProfileSize (1.2)
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BOOL PrfQueryProfileSize(hini, pszAppName, pszKeyName, pcb)
HINI hini;         /* initialization-file handle           */
PSZ pszAppName;    /* pointer to application name          */
PSZ pszKeyName;    /* pointer to keyname                   */
PULONG pcb;        /* pointer to variable with data length */
The PrfQueryProfileSize function retrieves the size of the data stored at a
specified location in the profile file.
Parameter   Description
hini        Identifies the file to query. This parameter can be a file
            handle or one of the following values:
            Value               Meaning
            HINI_PROFILE        Search the user profile, and if no matching
                                entries are found, search the system
            HINI_USERPROFILE    Search the user profile only.
            HINI_SYSTEMPROFILE  Search the system profile only.
pszAppName  Points to the null-terminated string that contains the
            application name. The string must be less than 1024 bytes long,
            including the terminating null character. The application name
            is case-sensitive. If pszAppName is NULL, the length returned in
            the variable pointed to by the pcb parameter is the length
            required to contain a list of all application names for the
            pszKeyName parameter.
pszKeyName  Points to the null-terminated string that contains the keyname.
            The string must be less than 1024 bytes long, including the
            terminating null character. The keyname is case-sensitive. If
            pszKeyName is NULL, the length returned in the variable pointed
            to by the pcb parameter is the length required to contain a list
            of all keynames.
pcb         Points to the variable that receives the length of the data. If
            an error occurs, the length is not returned.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the function is successful.
Use the WinGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be
one of the following:
The location of the data stored in the profile file is determined by the
application name and keyname passed to this function. This function is
typically called to determine how much memory to allocate before calling
The count returned by this function will be 1 greater than that returned by
PrfQueryProfileData or PrfQueryProfileString in cases where these functions
will return a list. This is due to an additional null character used as a
terminator for the entire list.
See Also
PrfQueryProfileData, PrfQueryProfileString, WinQueryProfileSize