win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinCreateHelpInstance (1.2)
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HWND WinCreateHelpInstance(hab, phmInitStructure)
HAB hab;                       /* anchor-block handle       */
PHELPINIT phmInitStructure;    /* pointer to help structure */
The WinCreateHelpInstance function creates a help instance. A help instance
is an "object" window that process help requests from the application and
the user.
Parameter         Description
hab               Identifies the application anchor block. It must have been
                  previous creating using the WinInitialize function.
phmInitStructure  Points to the HELPINIT structure.
Return Value
The return value is the handle of the help instance created if the function
is successful or NULL if an error occurs.
See Also
WinCreateHelpTable, WinDestroyHelpInstance, WinInitialize, WinLoadHelpTable,