win12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
WinSendDlgItemMsg (1.2)
Function Group  Overview                          Up Next Previous
MRESULT WinSendDlgItemMsg(hwndDlg, idItem, msg, mp1, mp2)
HWND hwndDlg;     /* handle of the dialog box */
USHORT idItem;    /* dialog-item identifier   */
USHORT msg;       /* message                  */
MPARAM mp1;       /* first message parameter  */
MPARAM mp2;       /* second message parameter */
The WinSendDlgItemMsg function sends a message to the specified dialog item
in the dialog window. The function does not return until the message has
been processed by the dialog item.
This function is equivalent to the following:
WinSendMsg(WinWindowFromID(hwndDlg, idItem), msg, mp1, mp2);
Parameter  Description
hwndDlg    Identifies the dialog window.
idItem     Identifies the dialog item that receives the message.
msg        Specifies the message.
mp1        Specifies message parameter 1.
mp2        Specifies message parameter 2.
Return Value
The return value is the result returned by the dialog item to which the
message was sent.
See Also
WinSendMsg, WinWindowFromID