msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMP((PIPT) plOffset);     /* beginning of copy area */
mp2 = MPFROMP((PULONG) pcbCopy);    /* bytes to copy          */
An application sends an MLM_EXPORT message to export text from a
multiple-line entry field (MLE) by copying the specified number of
characters from the MLE to the buffer specified by the MLM_SETIMPORTEXPORT
message. If all of the specified characters are on a single line, only the
specified characters are copied. If the specified characters are on more
than one line, the entire line containing the last specified character is
Parameter  Description
plOffset   Low and high word of mp1. Points to the variable that specifies
           the offset (number of characters from the beginning of the text)
           of the first character to copy. A value of -1 specifies the
           current cursor position. On return, this variable contains the
           offset to the first character not copied to the buffer.
pcbCopy    Low and high word of mp2. Points to the variable that specifies
           the number of characters to copy. On return, this variable is
           zero if the number of characters actually copied does not exceed
           the numbers specified to be copied. It is nonzero if the number
           of characters specified includes a line break and a portion of
           another line.
Return Value
The return value is a 32-bit value (ULONG) that specifies the number of
bytes actually copied. This value includes carriage-return and linefeed
characters copied to the buffer.
The text is copied in the form set by the MLM_FORMAT message. Note that the
buffer is not zero-terminated.
All exports are done in full characters. Therefore, if the length of the
buffer or the number of bytes to be exported results in the last byte
transferred being only half of a double-byte character set (DBCS) character,
the MLE does not transfer that byte.
See Also