qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C Language Index
   ASM Index                   Up Contents Index Back
──C Language Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  r                      Open for reading
  raise                  Send signal to executing program
  rand                   Generate pseudorandom number
  RAND_MAX               Maximum value returned by rand
  ranges, data-type      Constants defining data-type ranges
  rccoord                Row-column coordinate structure
  read                   Read data from a file
  realloc                Reallocate memory block
  _rectangle...          Draw rectangle
  register               Register data-storage class
  _registerfonts         Initialize graphics fonts
  REGS                   Register union
  _remapallpalette       Remap all palette colors
  _remappalette          Remap individual palette color
  remove                 Delete a file
  rename                 Rename a file or a directory
  return                 return statement
  rewind                 Reposition file position to beginning of a file
  rmdir                  Delete directory
  rmtmp                  Clean up temporary files
  _rotl                  Rotate bits to the left
  _rotr                  Rotate bits to the right
     run-time library    Categorical listing
  run-time library
     functions           Categorical listing