qc.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
C Language Index
   ASM Index                   Up Contents Index Back
──C Language Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  _saveregs              Save and restore CPU registers
  scan codes             Keyboard scan codes
  scan codes, extended   Manifest constants defining scan codes
  scanf                  Read formatted data from stdin
  SCHAR_...              Signed char range constants
  _scrolltextwindow      Scroll the text in a text window
  _searchenv             Search for file using environment paths
  searching and sorting
     functions           Binary search, linear search, and quick sort
  SEEK_CUR               Current position of file pointer
  SEEK_END               End of file position
  SEEK_SET               Beginning of file position
  _segment               Data type used to store a segment address
  _segname               Set the name of a segment
  segread                Get current values of segment registers
  _selectpalette         Select graphics palette
  _self                  A base expression that names itself as base
  _setactivepage         Set active page
  _setargv               Command-line argument handler
  SETARGV.OBJ            Allow wild-card command-line arguments
  _setbkcolor            Set current background color
  setbuf                 Control stream buffering
  _setcliprgn            Set clipping region for graphics
  _setcolor              Set current color
  _setenvp               Environment-processing routine
  _setfillmask           Set fill mask
  _setfont               Find single font
  _setgtextvector        Change the orientation of graphics text output  _setgtextvector        Change the orientation of graphics text output
  setjmp                 Save program state
  _setlinestyle          Set line style
  setlocale              Set the locale
  setmode                Set file-translation mode
  _setpixel...           Set pixel to current color
  _settextcolor          Set current text color
  _settextcursor         Set the current cursor attribute
  _settextposition       Set text position
  _settextrows           Set number of text rows for text modes
  _settextwindow         Create text window
  setvbuf                Control stream buffering and buffer size
  _setvideomode          Set video mode
  _setvideomoderows      Set video mode and number of text rows for
                            text modes
  _\asetvieworg            Move view-coordinate origin to specified
                            physical point
  _setviewport           Create view port
  _setvisualpage         Set visual page
  _setwindow             Define graphics window
  _setwritemode          Set the current logical mode for line drawing
  shift codes, keyboard  Manifest constants defining shift codes
  short                  Short data type
  SH_COMPAT              Set compatibility mode
  SH_DENYNO              Permit read and write access to file
  SH_DENYRD              Deny read access to file
  SH_DENYRW              Deny read and write access to file
  SH_DENYWR              Deny write access to file
  SHRT_...               Range constants for short data type
  SIGABRT                Abnormal-termination signal
  sig_atomic_t           Signal type
  SIGBREAK               Terminate calling program
  SIG_DFL                Default action
  SIGFPE                 Floating-point error signal
  SIG_IGN                Ignore interrupt signal
  SIGILL                 Illegal-instruction signal
  SIGINT                 CTRL+C interrupt signal
  signal                 Set interrupt-signal handling
  signed                 Signed-integer data type
  SIGSEGV                Illegal-storage-access signal
  SIGTERM                Termination-request signal
  SIGUSRx                User-defined signal (x=1,2,3)
  sin                    Calculate sine
  SING                   Argument singularity (math error)
  sinh                   Calculate hyperbolic sine
  sinhl                  Calculate hyperbolic sine (80-bit)
  sinl                   Calculate sine (80-bit)
  S_IREAD                Reading permitted
  S_IWRITE               Writing permitted
  sizeof                 Size of variable or type operator
  size_t                 Type defined in several include files
  sopen                  Open a file for file sharing
  spawnl                 Execute program (argument list)
  spawnle                Execute program (argument list, environment)
  spawnlp                Execute program (argument list, PATH)
  spawnlpe               Execute program (argument list, PATH, environment)
  spawnv                 Execute program (argument array)
  spawnve                Execute program (argument array, environment)
  spawnvp                Execute program (argument array, PATH)
  spawnvpe               Execute program (argument array, PATH, environment)
  _splitpath             Break path name into components
  sprintf                Write formatted data to string
  sqrt                   Calculate square root
  sqrtl                  Calculate square root (80-bit)
  srand                  Set random starting point
  SREGS                  Segment-registers structure
  sscanf                 Read formatted data from string
  stackavail             Get size of stack available
  stat                   Get status information on file
  stat                   File status-information structure
  static                 Static data-storage class
  _status87              Get floating-point status word
  stdaux                 Pointer to standard auxiliary stream
  __STDC__               Predefined macro signifying full ANSI conformance
  stderr                 Pointer to standard error stream
  stdin                  Pointer to standard input stream
  stdout                 Pointer to standard output stream
  stdprn                 Pointer to standard print stream
  strcat                 Append a string
  strchr                 Find a character in a string
  strcmp                 Compare strings
  strcmpi                Compare strings without regard to case
  strcoll                Compare strings using locale-specific information
  strcpy                 Copy string
  strcspn                Find substring in string
  _strdate               Copy date to buffer
  strdup                 Duplicate string
  stream I/O             Stream-oriented I/O functions
  _strerror              Print user-supplied error message
  strerror               Get system error message
  strftime               Format a time string
  stricmp                Compare strings without regard to case
  string manipulation
     functions           Comparison, searching, concatenation, etc.
  strlen                 Get length of a string
  strlwr                 Convert string to lower case
  strncat                Append n characters to a string
  strncmp                Compare n characters of strings
  strncpy                Copy n characters of string
  strnicmp               Compare n characters of strings without
                            regard to case
  strnset                Initialize first n characters of string
  strpbrk                Scan string for character in specified
                            character set
  strrchr                Scan string for last occurrence of character
  strrev                 Reverse characters of a string
  strset                 Set characters of a string to a character
  strspn                 Find first substring
  strstr                 Find substring
  _strtime               Copy time to buffer
  strtod                 Convert string to double
  strtok                 Find next token in string
  strtol                 Convert string to long
  strtoul                Convert string to unsigned long
  struct                 Structure data type
  structures             Structures declared in Microsoft C
  strupr                 Convert string to uppercase
  strxfrm                Transform a string based on locale-specific
  swab                   Swap bytes
  switch                 switch statement
  system calls, BIOS     BIOS interrupt services
  system calls, DOS      Functions for accessing DOS resources
  sys_errlist            perror error-message table
  sys_nerr               Number of entries in sys_errlist
  system                 Execute DOS command