Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
MASM Index
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──MASM Index────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    LABEL directive          Create Label
    LAHF instruction         Transfer between Flags and AH
    LANGUAGE option          Specify Default Language Type
    language type            Definition of Language Type
    LAR instruction          Load Access Rights
    LDS instruction          Load Far Pointer
    LE operator              Relational Operators
    LEA instruction          Load Effective Address
    LEAVE instruction        Destroy Stack Frame
    left, rotating bits      ROL Instruction
    left, shifting bits      SAL Instruction
    length of string         SIZESTR Directive
    lengthening, automatic   LJMP Option
    LENGTHOF directive       Return Variable Length
    LES instruction          Load Far Pointer
    LFS instruction          Load Far Pointer
    LGDT instruction         Load Global Descriptor Table
    LGS instruction          Load Far Pointer
    LIDT instruction         Load Interrupt Descriptor Table
   @Line macro               Current Line-Number Macro
   .LIST directive           List Source Statements to .LST File
   .LISTALL directive        List All Statements to .LST File
   .LISTIF directive         List Statements in Conditional Blocks
    listing subtitle         Listing Control
    listing title            Listing Control
   .LISTMACRO directive      Enable Assembly Listing File
   .LISTMACROALL directive   List Source Statements in Macro Expansion
    LJMP option              Automatic Conditional Jump Lengthening
    LLDT instruction         Load Local Descriptor Table
    LMSW instruction         Load Machine Status Word
    LOADDS attribute         Define Procedure
    loader-resolved offset   Loader-Resolved Offset
    loading constants        Coprocessor Instructions
    local descriptor
       table (LDT)           Processor Control Instructions
    LOCAL directive          Local Variables in Procedures
                             Local Variables in Macros
    LOCK instruction         Lock the Bus
    LODS instruction         Load String Operand
    LODSB instruction        Load String Operand (Bytes)
    LODSD instruction        Load String Operand (Doublewords)
    LODSW instruction        Load String Operand (Words)
    logarithms               Coprocessor Instructions
    logical operators        Logical and Shift Operators
    LOOP instruction         Loop
       instruction           Loop If
    LOOPD instruction        Loop (Overrides 32-Bit ECX)
    loops                    JCXZ/JECXZ Instruction
                             LOOP Instruction
                             LOOPcondition Instruction
    loops, exiting           Exit Iterative Directives
    LOOPW instruction        Loop (Overrides 16-Bit CX)
    LOW operator             High/Low-Order Byte
    LOWWORD operator         High/Low-Order Word
    LROFFSET operator        Loader-Resolved Offset
    LSL instruction          Load Segment Limit
    LSS instruction          Load Far Pointer
    LT operator              Relational Operators
    LTR instruction          Load Task Register