Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
MASM Index
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──MASM Index────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    C calling convention     Definition of Language Type
    CALL instruction         Call Subroutine
    calling conventions      Definition of Language Type
    CARRY? operator          C-Style Comparison Operators
    \aCASEMAP option           Control Case Mapping
    CATSTR directive         Concatenate Strings
   @CatStr macro function    Concatenate Strings
    CBW instruction          Convert Byte to Word
    CDQ instruction          Convert Doubleword to Quadword
    character I/O functions  Interrupt 21h
    CLC instruction          Clear Carry Flag
    CLD instruction          Clear Direction Flag
    clearing flags           Flag Manipulation Instructions
    CLI instruction          Clear Interrupt Flag
    clock interrupts         Int 1Ah
    clock, accessing         @Date Text Macro
    CLTS instruction         Clear Task-Switched Flag
    CMC instruction          Complement Carry Flag
    CMP instruction          Compare Two Operands
    CMPS instruction         Compare String
    CMPSB instruction        Compare String (Bytes)
    CMPSD instruction        Compare String (Doublewords)
    CMPSW instruction        Compare String (Words)
    CMPXCHG instruction      Compare and Exchange
   .CODE directive           Start Code Segment
   @code text macro          Code-Segment Name Text Macro
   @CodeSize equate          Code Size Equate
    colon                    Labeling Punctuation (:/::)
                             Segment Override Operator (:)
    color display, video     Display Attributes
    COM port interrupts      Int 14h
    combining segments       GROUP Directive
    COMM directive           Create Communal Variables
    COMMENT directive        Multiline Comments
    COMMON                   Define Segment
    comparing                CMP Instruction
                             Coprocessor Control-Flow Instructions
    comparison operators     Relational Operators
    concatenating strings    CATSTR Directive
    conditional directives   Control-Flow Directives
    conditional error
       directives            .ERR group
    conditional jumps
       (table)               Jump Conditions
       length jumping        LJMP Option
       assembly directives   IF group
    CONST directive          Start a Constant Data Block
    constant,0.0             FLDZ Instruction
    constant,1.0             FLD1 Instruction
    constant,Ln(2)           FLDLN2 Instruction
    constant,Log10(2)        FLDLG2 Instruction
    constant,Log2(10)        FLDL2T Instruction
    constant,Log2(e)         FLDL2E Instruction
    constant,Pi              FLDPI Instruction
    constants                loading
   .CONTINUE directive       Evaluate Loop Condition
    control registers        Numeric Coprocessor Status Word
                             Numeric Coprocessor Control Word
    control word,
       coprocessor           Numeric Coprocessor Control Word
       program flow          Control-Flow Directives
    controlling the
       coprocessor           System Control Instructions
    coprocessor tag word     Numeric Coprocessor Environment
    cosine                   FCOS Instruction
   @Cpu equate               CPU Type Equate
   .CREF directive           Turn On/Off Symbol Cross-Referencing
   @CurSeg text macro        Current Segment Name Macro
    CWD instruction          Convert Word to Doubleword
    CWDE instruction         Convert Word to Doubleword (EAX)