Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
MASM Index
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──MASM Index────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    AAA instruction          ASCII Adjust after Addition
    AAD instruction          ASCII Adjust before Division
    AAM instruction          ASCII Adjust after Multiply
    AAS instruction          ASCII Adjust after Subtraction
    ABS                      Define External Variables, Labels, and Symbols
    ADC instruction          Add with Carry
    ADD instruction          Add
    adding                   Processor Arithmetic Instructions
                             Coprocessor Arithmetic Instructions
    ALIGN directive          Align Data and Code
   .ALPHA directive          Define Segment Ordering
    AND instruction          Logical AND
    AND operator             Logical and Shift Operators
    arctangent               FPATAN Instruction
    ARPL instruction         Adjust Requested Privilege Level
    assembler operators      Assembler Operator Precedence
    assembler output         Listing Control
    assembler programs       Example Code (List)
    assembly, conditional    Conditional Assembly
    assembly-language syntax Statement Format
    ASSUME directive         Register Assumptions
    asterisk                 Arithmetic Operators
    AT                       Define Segment
       conditional jump      LJMP Option