Assembly Language Help (alang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
MASM Index
                                             Up Contents Index Back
──MASM Index────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    M510 option              Maximize Compatibility with MASM 5.1
    machine status word
       (MSW)                 Processor Control Instructions
    MACRO directive          Macro Block
    macro functions          String Operators
   :macrolabel               Labeling Punctuation (:/::)
    macros, defining         Macro and Iterative Blocks
    macros, MASM 5.1-
       Compatible            OLDMACROS│NOOLDMACROS Option
       control registers     MOV Special Instruction
       debug registers       MOV Special Instruction
       strings               String Operators
       test registers        MOV Special Instruction
    MASK operator            Bit Mask
    MASM 5.1
       compatibility         M510│NOM510 option
       compatible macros     OLDMACROS│NOOLDMACROS Option
          structure elements OLDSTRUCTS│NOOLDSTRUCTS Option
       two-pass compiler     SETIF2:{TRUE│FALSE} Option
    MEMORY                   Define Segment
    memory allocation        Int 21h
    memory areas             Miscellaneous Memory Locations
    memory data              System Operations
    memory-model attributes  Memory Model Selection
    Microsoft Windows OFFSET LROFFSET operator
    minus sign               Arithmetic Operators
    mixed-language programs  Files List
    MOD directive            Arithmetic Operators
   .MODEL directive          Initialize Memory Model
   @Model directive          Model Equate
    monochrome display       Display Attributes
    MOV instruction          Move Data
    MOV special instruction  Move to/from Special Registers
    MOVS instruction         Move String Data
    MOVSB instruction        Move String Data (Bytes)
    MOVSD instruction        Move String Data (Doublewords)
    MOVSW instruction        Move String Data (Words)
    MOVSX instruction        Move with Sign-Extend
    MOVZX instruction        Move with Zero-Extend
    MS-DOS extended
       error codes           List of MS-DOS Extended Error Codes
    MUL instruction          Unsigned Multiply
    multiple modules         Scope and Visibility Control
       floating-point        Coprocessor Arithmetic Instructions
    multiplying numbers      Arithmetic Instructions