NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──NMAKE Index───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    /I                       /I Option
    IF, IFDEF, IFNDEF        !ELSE... Directives
    !IF...                   !IF..., !ENDIF Directives
    ignore errors            /I Option
                             /K Option
    .IGNORE                  .IGNORE Directive
    !INCLUDE                 !INCLUDE Directive
    inference rules          /R Option
                             Inference Rules
                             Defining an Inference Rule
                             Inference Rule Search Paths
                             Predefined Inference Rules
                             Inferred Dependents
                             Precedence Among Inference Rules
                             .SUFFIXES Directive
    inferred dependent       Dependents
                             Inferred Dependents
    information              /D Option
                             /HELP Option
                             /N Option
                             /P Option
                             /Q Option
                             /X Option
                             /? Option
                             !ERROR, !MESSAGE Directives
    inheriting               /V Option
                             Calling NMAKE Recursively
                             Environment-Variable Macros
                             Inherited Macros
                             !CMDSWITCHES Directive
    INIT                     The TOOLS.INI File
    inline files             Inline Files
                             Specifying an Inline File
                             Creating an Inline File
                             Reusing an Inline File
                             Using Multiple Inline Files
    input                    /F Option