qck.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Microsoft Visual Basic Help Index
  Using Help                                   Contents  Index  Back
  Label                    Label Control
  Language Elements...     Controls Summary
                           Constants, Data Types, and Variables
                           Expressions and Operators
                           Keywords by Task
                           Object Manipulations
                           Program Line
                           Properties, Events, and Methods
  Languages, Compatible    Compatible Languages
  LargeChange              LargeChange Property
  LBOUND                   LBOUND Function
  LCASE$                   LCASE$ Function
  Leading Spaces, Remove   LTRIM$ Function
  LEFT$                    LEFT$ Function
  Left                     Left Property
  LEN (Length)             LEN Function
  Length (Selected Text)   SelLength Property
  LET                      LET Statement
  Libraries, Quick...      LINK Command-Line Options
                           Quick Libraries
  Libraries, Run-Time      LIB Command-Line Options
  LIB.EXE                  LIB Command-Line Options
  LINE                     LINE Statement
  Line Continuation        Program Line
  Line Identifiers         Line Identifiers
  LINE INPUT               LINE INPUT Statement
  LINE INPUT #             LINE INPUT # Statement
  LINK.EXE                 LINK Command-Line Options
  List                     List Property
  List Box                 List Box Control
  List Boxes...            Directory List Box Control
                           Drive List Box Control
                           File List Box Control
                           List Box Control
  LIST                     KEY Statement (Assignment)
  ListCount                ListCount Property
  ListIndex                ListIndex Property
  Literal Constants        Literal Constants
  Load                     Load Event
  LOAD                     LOAD Statement
  LOC (Location)           LOC Function
  Local Error Handling     LOCAL Keyword
  Local Variables          Scope Rules
  LOCATE                   LOCATE Statement
  LOCK                     LOCK Statement
  LOF (Length of File)     LOF Function
  LOG (Logarithm)          LOG Function
  Logical Equivalence      EQV Operator
  Logical Negative         NOT Operator
  Logical Operators        Logical Operators
  LONG Data Type...        Basic Data Types Summary
                           ISAM Data Types Summary
  Loops                    Loops and Decision Structures
  LostFocus                LostFocus Event
  Lower Boundary           LBOUND Function
  Lowercase                LCASE$ Function
  LPOS                     LPOS Function
  LPRINT                   LPRINT Statement
  LSET                     LSET Statement
  LTRIM$                   LTRIM$ Function