Programmer's WorkBench (pwb.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
PWB Functions (by Category)
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─────Programmer's WorkBench─────────────────────────────────────────────────
     For more information on a function listed below, move the cursor
     to the name and press ENTER or double-click the name.
     Editing      Select    Right        Macro          Logsearch
                  Selmode   Savecur                     Mgrep
     Cdelete      Sinsert   Tab          Assign         Mreplace
     Copy         Undo      Up           Execute        Mreplaceall
     Curdate                             Initialize     Msearch
     Curday       Cursor    File         Message        Nextsearch
     Curtime                             Prompt         Psearch
     Delete       Backtab   Closefile    Record         Qreplace
     Emacscdel    Begfile   Newfile      Tell           Replace
     Emacsnewl    Begline   Exit                        Searchall
     Graphic      Down      Openfile     Project
     Insert       Endfile   Noedit                      Window
     Insertmode   Endline   Print        Clearmsg
     Lastselect   Home      Refresh      Compile        Arrangewindow
     Lasttext     Left      Saveall      Environment    Maximize
     Ldelete      Mark      Setfile      Nextmsg        Minimize
     Linsert      Mpage                  Project        Mlines
     Newline      Mpara     Functions    Shell          Movewindow
     Paste        Mword                  Usercmd        Pwbwindow
     Pword        Newline   Arg                         Plines
     Quote        Pbal      Cancel       Search         Resize
     Repeat       Ppage     Menukey                     Selwindow
     Sdelete      Ppara     Meta         Cancelsearch   Setwindow
     Selcur       Restcur   Unassigned   Clearsearch    Window
     Browser Functions
     Help Functions
     Predefined PWB Macros
     You can assign functions and macros to keys.
     See: Assign, About TOOLS.INI Options menu, Key Assignments