Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
New/Updated Functions for 3.1
                                                     Up Next Previous
AdvancedSetUpDialog         Prompts for advanced print-job options (NEW)
BitBlt                      Transfers bits from a source to destination
BitmapBits                  Sets or retrieves bits in a memory DC (NEW)
cextfcn                     Carry out extended function (UPDATE)
CommWriteString             Transmits a string of bytes (NEW)
CONFIG.BIN                  Configuration resource for displays (UPDATE)
CplApplet                   Carries out requests from Control Panel (NEW)
DeviceBitmapBits            Get or set device-independent bitmap bits
DeviceCapabilities          Retrieves the capabilities of a device
DeviceMode                  Sets the device's mode of operation (UPDATE)
DevInstall                  Install or removes a printer (NEW)
EnableNotification          Enable/disables communication notification
EngineDeleteFont            Deletes a TrueType font (NEW)
EngineEnumerateFont         Enumerates TrueType fonts (NEW)
EngineGetCharWidth          Retrieves character widths (NEW)
EngineGetGlyphBmp           Retrieves a glyph from a font (NEW)
EngineRealizeFont           Creates an engine font (NEW)
EngineSetFontContext (NEW)  Sets the current engine font (NEW)
EnumDFonts                  Enumerates device fonts (UPDATE)
ExtDeviceMode               Sets the device's mode of operation (UPDATE)
ExtTextOut                  Draws text strings (UPDATE)
GetDriverResourceID         Retrieves resource identifiers (NEW)
GetLPDevice                 Retrieves pointer to the physical device
                              structure (NEW)
GetRasterizerCaps           Retrieves information about TrueType (NEW)
InkReady                    Requests display driver to permit inking
LFNCopy                     Copies a file (NEW)
LFNDelete                   Deletes a file (NEW)
LFNFindFirst                Searches for the first file with a matching
                              name (NEW)
LFNFindNext                 Searches for the next file with a matching
                              name (NEW)
LFNFindClose                Ends the search for matching files (NEW)
LFNGetAttributes            Retrieves file attributes (NEW)
LFNGetVolumeLabel           Retrieves the volume label (NEW)
LFNMKDir                    Creates a directory (NEW)
LFNMove                     Moves a file (NEW)
LFNParse                    Parses paths (NEW)
LFNRMDir                    Removes a directory (NEW)
LFNSetAttributes            Sets file attributes (NEW)
LFNSetVolumeLabel           Sets the volume label (NEW)
LFNVolumeType               Specifies volume type (NEW)
MOUSETRAILS                 Enables/disables mouse trails (NEW)
RealizeObject               Realizes an object (UPDATE)
RESETDEVICE                 Resets the device context (NEW)
SelectBitmap                Selects a device bitmap (NEW)
SetDIBitsToDevice           Copies Device-Independent Bitmap to Device
SETPRINTERDC                Sets the device context for a printer (NEW)
StrBlt                      Draws text strings (UPDATE)
StretchBlt                  Stretches/compresses bits (UPDATE)
StretchDIBits               Copies a device-independent bitmap (UPDATE)
[display]                   Display information section (UPDATE)
__WinFlags                  Specifies the CPU type and mode (NEW)
WNetGetCaps                 Retrieves network capabilities (NEW)
WNetConnectDialog           Displays a shell connection dialog box (NEW)
WNetConnectionDialog        Displays a connection dialog box (NEW)
WNetDisconnectDialog        Displays a shell disconnection dialog box
WNetDirectoryNotify         Notifies driver of operations on directories
WNetGetDirectoryType        Retrieves directory type (NEW)
WNetGetPropertyText         Adds buttons to a property dialog box (NEW)
WNetPropertyDialog          Supports added buttons in the property dialog
WNetRestoreConnection       Restores a connection to a network device
WNetViewQueueDialog         Display a queue viewing dialog box (NEW)
WNetWriteJob                Writes to an open print job (NEW)